A good example of a pattern is the project we are currently working on in my design Art 130 Design class. We have to take a pattern found in nature such as animal print or the bark of a tree and create our own pattern from the resource. The two resources I created my patterns from are rain drops on a window and a giraffe print.

Here is the giraffe picture I used as my resource. From this, I took simple shapes and arranged them into a pattern.

Here are the raindrops on the window. I did the same as I did with the giraffe resource by taking the simple shapes of the drops and arranging them into a pattern.

Here are two of many patterns I created from the resources. The pattern on the top is from the giraffe. I took the shape of the spots and simplified them. Also, I took the starburst pattern from inside the giraffe's spots. The pattern on the bottom comes from the rain on the windowpane. I used the simple shapes of the drops along with the shadow they created. I added a bit of flair to the pattern with the crossing lines so as to make the pattern original.
Texture: surface quality of objects that appeals to the tactile sense
A good example of texture would be the bark of a tree. While looking at a picture, you may feel as if you can reach out and touch it. Texture can almost always be seen as a pattern but it is not the same the other way around. You may see a pattern, such as the two I created above, and not feel a need to touch it.

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